Port via API -Python examples
Submit BUSINESS PORT to Apeiron using python requests:
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
URL = 'https://api.apeiron.io/v2/ordering/orders/ports'
TOKEN = '2TUxwADAkotusmlNK7Mf2439QxJAjLUBBPSaMZQamdM51PZfzkoLxhAl32h8PQ1e'
USERNAME = '[email protected]'
data = {
'phone_numbers': '2475221156,2475221179,2475221350',
'billing_tn': '2475221156',
'trunk_group_id': 104126,
'current_provider': ' AT&T',
'authorization_name': 'David Williams',
'first_name': 'David',
'last_name': 'Williams',
'business_name': 'WILLY\'S WINDOWS',
'business': True,
'full_port': False,
'housenumber': 4486,
'room_type': '',
'room_number': '',
'streetname': 'SUNSET BLVD',
'city': 'LOS ANGELES',
'state': 'CA',
'postal_code': 90017,
'due_date': '2015-02-28',
'ticket_id': '',
'features': [
'number': '2475221156',
'cnam': 'WILLY\'S WINDOWS',
'sms': False,
'e911': False,
'directory_publish': False,
'caller_id_private': False,
'number': '2475221179',
'cnam': 'WILLY\'S WINDOWS',
'sms': False,
'e911': False,
'directory_publish': False,
'caller_id_private': False,
'number': '2475221350',
'cnam': 'WILLY\'S WINDOWS',
'sms': False,
'e911': False,
'directory_publish': False,
'caller_id_private': False,
response = requests.post(URL, json=data, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(USERNAME, TOKEN))
print response.text
Submit RESIDENTIAL PORT to Apeiron using python requests:
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
URL = 'https://api.apeiron.io/v2/ordering/orders/ports'
TOKEN = '2TUxwADAkotusmlNK7Mf2439QxJAjLUBBPSaMZQamdM51PZfzkoLxhAl32h8PQ1e'
USERNAME = '[email protected]'
data = {
'phone_numbers': '2475221156',
'billing_tn': '2475221156',
'trunk_group_id': 104126,
'current_provider': ' AT&T',
'authorization_name': 'David Williams',
'first_name': 'David',
'last_name': 'Williams',
'business': False,
'full_port': False,
'housenumber': 4486,
'room_type': '',
'room_number': '',
'streetname': 'SUNSET BLVD',
'city': 'LOS ANGELES',
'state': 'CA',
'postal_code': 90017,
'due_date': '2015-02-28',
'ticket_id': '',
'features': [
'number': '2475221156',
'sms': False,
'e911': False,
'directory_publish': False,
'caller_id_private': False,
response = requests.post(URL, json=data, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(USERNAME, TOKEN))
print response.text