Last Updated: 7.28.22

Below you will find direct links to view the key regulatory documents and guidelines throughout the mobile industry.

United States

Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association

The CTIA Wireless Association represents the interests of the wireless telecommunications industry, and consists of a gamut of members from carriers and their suppliers to providers and manufacturers of wireless data services and products.

    CTIA Messaging Principles and Best Practices CTIA Short Code Monitoring Handbook v.1.8 CTIA Short Code Monitoring Handbook v.1.7 SHAFT Addendum

Federal Communications Commission

The FFC seeks to protect the integrity of all mobile communications, and regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable nationwide.

Official Documentation

    FCC Spam Guidelines FCC TCPA FCC TCPA Act 227 - Restrictions on the Use of Telephone Equipment FCC TCPA Consumer Guide FCC TCPA Clarifications Article

Court Decisions

    12-15-2015 3-15-2018

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